Monday 5 September 2011

De-stressing foods - more ideas to make your day easier

Thanks for your great response to the de-stress foods post! It’s good to know that so many of you take your diet so seriously.   We always offer so many ‘good for you foods’ in our restaurants and cafes and we’re shortly introducing a pick n mix of fruits and nuts to help with the sugar rush.

As you’re clearly so keen, I’ve given you 5 more delicious ingredients to help with those stress levels.  Remember though that these are great foods to eat for whatever reason so don’t feel you need to be stressed to eat some of these great things.

Try it in a hot blondie drink from the coffee bar

Start you day with a smoothie – they’re packed with banana as a natural sweetener

Sweet potatoes
Often available as part of the jacket potato options. And if not, request it!

Brown rice
Try it from the salad bar with fresh chopped herbs and a squeeze of lime juice - tangtastic

Grab a spoonful from our delicatessen counters to go with your salad, with your baked sweet potato or with your houmous – honest give it a try!

With the Autumn on our doorsteps these ingredients will help keep the blues away and remind you of those halcyon summer days ‘when we were young at heart’. 

Happy munching!

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