Friday 15 February 2013

Foodie predictions for 2013

At the beginning of each year I get those stares across the office floor, which I know are the prelude to that annual question - “what’s hot and what’s not?” I feel slightly ‘Mayan’ in so much as it’s like trying to predict the end of the world and you look a bit daft if you don’t get it right - but I’ve got my crystal ball out and so here goes for 2013…

Healthier dining out 
In our efforts to find new and interesting ingredients chefs will work to make our meals healthier by using new found ingredients and eastern influences. I predict they will see the opportunity they present and add the healthier tag to their menus.
Asian cuisine

Asian foods & flavours
Thai, Vietnamese and Korean flavours will work their way into our lives. Even on our deli bars won’t escape. The Bánh Mì Vietnamese sandwich, a remnant of the French colonial, is already on our doorstep.

Sour foods, pickles & fermented ingredients
With the growth in Asian foods will also come a taste for ‘sour’ - sharp, tart bitter flavours - from well-known favourites such as sauerkraut to fermented cherry juice and vinegars.

I predict beetroot will
be big in 2013
Vegetables as main courses 
Not that we’re all turning into vegetarians, but with the increased prices in meat options, cauliflower steaks and squash noodles are beginning to make their way onto our menus. It’s good for our wallets as well as our hearts.  Keep an eye out for the return of the humble vegetable as producers join the ‘heritage’ bandwagon. I’m predicting beetroots, leeks, kale and cauliflowers… they’re packed with goodness, so get them onto your plates folks!

Sales of popcorn grew over 21% last year and they are healthier than crisps. I’m already seeing it used in many more creative ways - like toppings for ice cream, desserts and even salads. It’s also creeping onto the breakfast menu as a granola replacement for breakfast.

Local chefs and local food heroes
Pop-Up Chef - 
Chef Celia Brooks joins
 us in our restaurant
With the glut of celebrity chefs I think we’re going to be looking at who’s cooking our food and indeed creating our food more locally. We’ve created ‘Pop-Up Chef’ - a concept that invites local chefs and food makers to come into our restaurants to showcase themselves and their ingredients.
Yes that bastion of 1970’s dining is back with a bang. It’s all part of this massive baking trend that’s going on and looks set to stay for a while (thank goodness). These Parisian bad boys are about to hit the big-time, so get ready for brightly coloured toppings, butterscotch fillings and loads of sprinkles everywhere. Fruit toppings, bitter, sweet icings and butter cream and creams in abundance.

As our love affair with chicken continues, I predict we will see a growth in eggs as a great source of protein. The sales of breakfasts looks set to continue and so combining all these factors together it seems only logical that the humble egg will have a place on my food trends list for 2013.
Right on trend -
hot dogs
The hot dog
Have we all gone barking mad? Actually at bartlett mitchell I think we’re bang on trend as we’ve already created a great hot dog concept, but its going to ride the wave this year. The rise of street food and ‘dude food’ has meant that the humble hot dog has had the gourmet makeover, so the once nasty market food stall is now a foodie trend. Look out for ingredients and meats like duck or pork, turning this simple street food into real posh nosh.

A new ingredient
Teff: the next quinoa grain. In Ethiopia they’ve used an ingredient called ‘Teff’ (sounds Welsh I know!) where for thousands of years it has been the staple ingredient of their fabulous flatbread, known as injera. Why so popular? Well it’s gluten-free and, of course, it’s high in those all-important essentials such as protein, calcium and fiber.

Top tip for next year
Keep an eye out for the all-new donut as I have a feeling if they don’t hit this year they definitely will the next!

So those are my top tips for 2013, if you have anything you think should be on the list that I’ve left off let me know.

Delicious regards
David James
Director of Food Services

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